Topic : Neighbor

The second most important command is this: 'Love your neighbor the same as you love yourself.' These two commands are the most important."

Mark 12:31

So all of you should live together in peace. Try to understand each other. Love each other like brothers and sisters. Be kind and humble.

1 Peter 3:8

So encourage each other and help each other grow stronger in faith, just as you are already doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Try to do what is good for others, not just what is good for yourselves.

1 Corinthians 10:24

Help each other with your troubles. When you do this, you are obeying the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:2

The whole law is made complete in this one command: "Love your neighbor the same as you love yourself."

Galatians 5:14

"Do for others what you would want them to do for you. This is the meaning of the Law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets.

Matthew 7:12

In whatever you do, don't let selfishness or pride be your guide. Be humble, and honor others more than yourselves.

Philippians 2:3

Continue loving each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Always remember to help people by welcoming them into your home. Some people have done that and have helped angels without knowing it.

Hebrews 13:1-2

but do what pleases them and is for their good. We should do whatever helps the church grow stronger in faith.

Romans 15:2

So we should stop judging each other. Let's decide not to do anything that will cause a problem for a brother or sister or hurt their faith.

Romans 14:13

When we have the opportunity to do good to anyone, we should do it. But we should give special attention to those who are in the family of believers.

Galatians 6:10

Don't be angry with each other, but forgive each other. If you feel someone has wronged you, forgive them. Forgive others because the Lord forgave you.

Colossians 3:13

Most important of all, love each other deeply, because love makes you willing to forgive many sins.

1 Peter 4:8

Learn to do good. Treat people fairly. Punish those who hurt others. Speak up for the widows and orphans. Argue their cases for them in court."

Isaiah 1:17

So do you think that you can judge those other people? You are wrong. You too are guilty of sin. You judge them, but you do the same things they do. So when you judge them, you are really condemning yourself.

Romans 2:1

"I give you a new command: Love each other. You must love each other just as I loved you.

John 13:34

Love doesn't hurt others. So loving is the same as obeying all the law.

Romans 13:10

"Friends should be loyal to you in times of trouble, even if you turn away from God All-Powerful.

Job 6:14

Love each other in a way that makes you feel close like brothers and sisters. And give each other more honor than you give yourself.

Romans 12:10

The law says, "You must not commit adultery, you must not murder anyone, you must not steal, you must not want what belongs to someone else." All these commands and all other commands are really only one rule: "Love your neighbor the same as you love yourself."

Romans 13:9

We pray that the Lord will make your love grow. We pray that he will give you more and more love for each other and for all people. We pray that you will love everyone like we love you.

1 Thessalonians 3:12

The worship that God wants is this: caring for orphans or widows who need help and keeping yourself free from the world's evil influence. This is the kind of worship that God accepts as pure and good.

James 1:27

This is the teaching you have heard from the beginning: We must love each other.

1 John 3:11

Some people might believe that one day is more important than another. And others might believe that every day is the same. Everyone should be sure about their beliefs in their own mind.

Romans 14:5

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