Topic : Christmas

She will give birth to a son. You will name him Jesus. Give him that name because he will save his people from their sins."

Matthew 1:21

Today your Savior was born in David's town. He is Christ, the Lord.

Luke 2:11

"Praise God in heaven, and on earth let there be peace to the people who please him."

Luke 2:14

While Joseph and Mary were in Bethlehem, the time came for her to have the baby.
She gave birth to her first son. She wrapped him up well and laid him in a box where cattle are fed. She put him there because the guest room was full.

Luke 2:6-7

The shepherds went back to their sheep, praising God and thanking him for everything they had seen and heard. It was just as the angel had told them.

Luke 2:20

So Joseph left Nazareth, a town in Galilee, and went to the town of Bethlehem in Judea. It was known as the town of David. Joseph went there because he was from the family of David.
Joseph registered with Mary because she was engaged to marry him. (She was now pregnant.)

Luke 2:4-5

All this happened to make clear the full meaning of what the Lord said through the prophet:
"The virgin will be pregnant and will give birth to a son. They will name him Immanuel." (Immanuel means "God with us.")

Matthew 1:22-23

But the Lord will still show you a sign. And here it is: The young woman is pregnant and will give birth to a son. She will name him Immanuel.

Isaiah 7:14

But after Joseph thought about this, an angel from the Lord came to him in a dream. The angel said, "Joseph, son of David, don't be afraid to accept Mary to be your wife. The baby inside her is from the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 1:20

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